Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi
Do the thing you think you cannot do- Eleanor Roosevelt
No day but today - Musical Rent
Live each day like it was your last - don't know
Being unforgiving is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die - Ghost Whisper
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Right Information
Dealing With The Perils Of Drug Addiction in America
'It's one thing for a drug addiction treatment center to pay lip service to the importance of privacy. It's quite another for that facility to live up to its own promises. In fact, many of the most "exclusive" celebrity rehabs in Los Angeles actively leak information about high-profile clients to the media in order to generate free publicity. As should go without saying, these institutions can't be trusted to promote meaningful and lasting wellness.
For recovery patients and their families, say Cliffside administrators, that sort of failure is unacceptable...(more)'
This piece talks about what is a drug intervention and a bit about the treatment methods and general information about the intervention processintervention .
The Right Los Angeles Drug Rehabilitation Center Can Make A World Of Difference
'...No addiction victim needs to be told how devastating the disease can be. The good news here is that the right Los Angeles drug rehabilitation center can make a world of difference. The clinical experts at Cliffside Malibu know what their clients need to achieve meaningful and lasting wellness. The only question that remains is whether prospective patients in California and around the globe will be wise enough to trust their health to the best caregivers in the business.....(more)'
This delightful little number talks about Malibu drug rehabs and other general information about California drug rehab.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Seeking Help

drug rehabilitation
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Some Great Pieces
Individualized Treatment Within Holistic Drug Addiction Treatment Facilities:
'...On the contrary, patients need continuing support in order to develop the life skills and self-esteem on which all lasting recovery must be built. The best drug addiction treatment facilities, then, are those which provide the best aftercare services to their clients...(more)'
Finding Eating Disorders Recovery Programs Specifically Designed For You:
'...An eating disorder is a resilient disease. By the same token, treatment of eating disorders must be a sustained process....(more)'
Specialized Drug Addiction treatment Facility In America:
'...The best drug addiction treatment facility, then, is one which provide the best aftercare services to their clients. Of these services, none is more important than a supportive sober living program...(more)'
What Long Term Drug Addiction Recovery Entails:
'...Those clients who complete the process successfully are invariably the ones who receive the best possible support along the way-which means that the most effective addiction recovery facilities are always those which pamper their residents. In the end, there's simply no better way to build a solid foundation for sustainable recovery....(more)'
Searching For The Best Articles On Drug Addiction:
'...Luxury addiction treatment centers providing articles on drug addiction are more reliable than their bargain-rate competitors. It might seem crass to frame the issue so starkly, but the facts are too important to be obscured by gentle language...(more)'
Monday, June 21, 2010
Cliffside Malibu: Opiate Detox Center
You need to be in an opiate detox center as you withdraw from your opiate of choice. There are many physical and mental discomforts as well as intense physical cravings for your opiate that it may very well be impossible for you to withdraw outside of an opiate detox center. When you withdraw on your own, you have no way of controlling your withdrawal symptoms. The beauty of an opiate detox center is that, depending on your medical and mental needs and what you want, you will have different options of how to detox.
You will be offered on the most current detox options at Cliffside Malibu, while being under the care of our medical supervisor and a staff of RNs (registered nurses). You will realize that, at Cliffside Malibu, being in an opiate detox center does not have to be the most horrible experience, because we will offer you amenities to make you as comfortable as possible. You will sleep in a luxury bed and have meals prepared by a gourmet chef. You can relax with a massage or in a Jacuzzi. At Cliffside Malibu, we believe that a little comfort goes a long way in making your detox and full treatment less stressful. Call Cliffside Malibu today at 1-800-501-1988 to see what detox options they have to offer.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
What's In the News?
Understanding The Detox Process
'...The most effective drug detox center is the one that understands the importance of long-term healing. Drug detox and recovery doesn't happen overnight, after all. On the contrary, detox patients need intensive support over the course of many months in order to get better. In the end, anything less is and can only be a recipe for failure...(more)'
This piece touches on the importance of drug addiction and drug detox.
The Most Exclusive Drug Treatment Center Is Also The Most Effective
'...The most exclusive drug treatment center is one that understands the importance of long-term healing. Addiction recovery doesn't happen overnight, after all. On the contrary, drug treatment patients need intensive support over the course of many months in order to get better. In the end, anything less is and can only be a recipe for failure.
It's precisely those principles, in turn, which inform Cliffside Malibu's ever-evolving approach to client evaluation and treatment...(more)'
This piece shows some general information regarding the residential drug treatment centers at Cliffside Malibu.
Holistic Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center in California
'...Cliffside Malibu's commitment to the long-term health of its clients is beyond question. But not all drug treatment centers share Cliffside's philosophy. In fact, many of the most well-known clinics in the Los Angeles area focus almost exclusively on the short-term successes of their patients-with obvious and often disastrous consequences for those patients' long-term health.
Cliffside administrators, for their part, have always believed that those sorts of deficiencies are absolutely unacceptable...(more)'
This riveting piece talks of Cliffside Malibu's drug treatment programs and their overall drug treatment process.
Happy reading.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Great People
I was immediately embraced and counseled on the phone by Jay, who showed genuine concern. I was not in a proper state to make all the necessary arrangements, so Jay took charge, letting me know what to do, and shouldering much of the paper load for me. When I arrived in LA, Andy met me at the airport and drove me in to Cliffside, keeping me at ease and being understanding and hopeful when I was afraid. I don’t remember everyone who was there when I checked in, but I recall Dia being a smiling and gentle presence throughout my intake process.
I won’t go through each phase of my rehabilitation there in such detail, merely to say that once I had recovered my wits after detoxification, I was embraced by the friendly staff and led through the process with diligence, care, and mostly individualized treatment. Conflicts arose, from time to time, as they will, but they were handled with aplomb and courtesy. I specifically found superb counsel from Frank, Mark, Dia and Denny, but every residential advisor and staff person made a positive mark.
The therapists were all remarkable. Georgina and Robyn are clearly intelligent, kind, caring professionals who put the recovery of their charges foremost. Their group sessions were thoughtfully prepared and well executed; a number of times I was befuddled by all of the emotions flying around the room, but it was not only handled well, but with grace and care. By the end of the sessions, I was fuddled once more. As for Patricia, superlatives fail. I would say that she is honorificabilitudinitatibus, but I fear I might be accused of being over-intellectually sesquipedalian. Nor do I wish to wax pleonastic. I say this: there is no therapist I would rather entrust with the care of a loved one; I felt cared for and connected; I was dealt with transparently, and bluntly when necessary; I felt, frankly, loved...(more)'
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Headliner News About Drug Rehab
Holistic Treatments
'...The most effective rehabilitation programs for addictive drugs are ones that understand the importance of long-term healing. Addiction recovery doesn't happen overnight, after all. On the contrary, drug abuse addiction patients need intensive support over the course of many months in order to get better. In the end, anything less is and can only be a recipe for failure...(more)'
This piece touches on drug abuse addiction and drug addiction advice
Finding Drug Treatment Centers
'...The most effective drug treatment centers are ones that understand the importance of long-term healing. Addiction recovery doesn't happen overnight, after all. On the contrary, drug treatment patients need intensive support over the course of many months in order to get better. In the end, anything less is and can only be a recipe for failure...(more)'
This article goes on about: drug treatment centers and drug treatment program
Knowing the Facts...
'...Many people live for years dependent on alcohol or drugs because they don't want to go into addiction therapy. You don't want to be one of these people. Call us at Cliffisde Malibu today so we can allay your fears about treatment.
Things like plasma TV, wireless broadband Internet access and gourmet meals wont cure your addiction. But all those things offer addiction therapy in another way. They simply make you feel good. Do you think you'll get more from addiction therapy if you're tired, bored, frustrated, or uncomfortable? ...(more)'
This piece speaks about addiction to drugs and addictions in general.
All of these pieces are cornucopias of information, advice and inspiration. Enjoy!
substance abuse counseling
Monday, June 7, 2010
Health and Wellness: Alcohol Treatment With A Long Record Of Success
Cliffside's competitors, meanwhile, would be hard-pressed to speak so glowingly about their own rehabilitation programs...(more)'
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Must Read: The Most Successful Residential Inpatient Treatment Center In The Country
Those principles, in turn, are the bedrock of Cliffside Malibu's treatment philosophy.
Cliffside Malibu is respected both for the quality of its caregivers and the elegance of its amenities. Since its founding, the oxycodone drug treatment center has been the choice of upscale clients seeking expert treatment in a discreet luxury environment. As the center prepares to launch its new initiative, those clients can expect to be even better served on the road to recovery...(more)'
addiction counseling
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Overcoming Prescription Drug Adiction
'...Prescription drug addiction is personal problem. By the same token, prescription drug addiction programs must entail a private process. The best prescription drug addiction center is one which most effectively shields their clients from public scrutiny. In the end, any inferior standard of care is simply unacceptable.
Those principles, in turn, are the bedrock of Cliffside Malibu's treatment philosophy.
With its expert caregivers and posh amenities, Cliffside Malibu is a world-class institution. The prescription drug addiction center has always catered to an elite clientele. Now Cliffside is expanding its mission, with the goal of delivering the best care on the planet to those individuals who need it. At Cliffside Malibu, nothing less than excellence will ever be acceptable...' (Cliffside Malibu)
addiction counseling
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Finest Drug Treatment Of America
'...With its expert caregivers and posh amenities, Cliffside Malibu is a world-class institution. The center has always catered to an elite clientele of drug addicts. Now Cliffside is expanding its mission, with the goal of delivering the most luxurious care on the planet to drug addicts who need it. At Cliffside Malibu, nothing less than excellence will ever be acceptable.
"Drug addiction treatment clinics are most successful when drug addicts feel wholly comfortable in their healing environment," said Cliffside Malibu Program Director. "It's our role as a luxury drug addiction treatment center specializing in such areas as marijuana addiction to meet each and every need of drug addicts, with everything from gourmet meals to high thread-count sheets. We believe that our record of success proves the effectiveness of our strategies."
Cliffside's competitors, meanwhile, can hardly speak so glowingly about their own treatment efforts.
It's easy for a drug addiction treatment center to pay lip service to the importance of luxury. It's harder for that facility to live up to its own standards. The unfortunate truth is that many of the most "exclusive" rehabs for drug addicts in Los Angeles appear far more elegant in their advertising brochures than they are in real life. As should go without saying, these institutions routinely fall short of the recovery promises they make to their clients...' (Cliffside Malibu)
drug treatment center
Want to be treated like a celeb?
(Sound fantastic.... keep reading)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Holistic Treatment
(Read more here)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
check it out and see whats going on with celebrities.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Drug Rehab
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
COREY HAIM Died of drug over dose or that is what the latest reports are saying. His mother says that its not drugs but an enlarged heart and fluid on the lungs that killed him.
When ever a celebrity dies if there are drugs anywhere around or if at any time in there life they had a problem with drugs... Then when they die its DRUGS!!! Now it could be said that to assume its drugs is unfair and rude. But the truth is that if someone has had a problem with drugs in the past, it can come up again at anytime.
A while ago I would have said that this statement was not justified and that you can't judge someones present by their past. But I have had several friends that were heavily into drugs in there past and then they became clean for years. Then out of the blue they started doing drugs again.
I know that not every one has a relapse.... however that is why they say in meetings Hi my name is so and so and I am an alcoholic or drug addiction. Because even if a person no longer does drugs they once did and the urge is always there.
I hate that drugs can ruin our lives.
For more information about celebrities and the latest gossip check this site out
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Drug quotes
“Dope never helped anybody sing better or play music better or do anything better. All dope can do for you is kill you - and kill you the long, slow, hard way.” - Billie Holliday
“Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem.” - Kurt Cobain
Monday, March 1, 2010
Look what I found :)
Here is the story. I found it at this website
I don’t know how to begin to thank you and your colleauges at Cliffside Malibu for helping to return our son to us. Only you – and anyone reading this letter whose son or daughter is addicted can possibly understand the pain, the nightmares and sense of hopelessness all parents suffer watching their son or daughter slowly kill themselves. For six years, we tried everything in our power and spent more money than I ever earned trying to get our 17 year old son sober: six different drug rehabs in the belief that finally, this one would work; countless therapists; two interventions and finally a rapid detox program that was supposed to eradicate the craving for most drugs. Nothing worked. So these years were filled with brief moments of elation, thinking our son finally licked the problem only to go through the horrible realization that, once again, we were back to square one. Each time he replapsed, it only got worse: he stole, lied, was verbally abusive and totalled three cars. Even the therapists gave up on our son. But we didn’t. It took many drug rehabs, many attempts, many fact finding missions to finally find Cliffside Malibu, the right place for our son. Sadly, all the brochures for drug rehabs and sober living say all the right things – things parents want to hear and believe in.
I can only hope most parents searching for help don’t have to go through the drug rehab journey I went through. Which is why I take great joy in writing this letter, and saying to any parent reading this, to take a look at Cliffside, talk to Richard or Jay, listen to them, pay a visit and seriously consider sending your precious cargo there. The physical setting is beautiful, calm, peaceful and condusive to recovery. And the staff knows what they are doing. They have a simple but profound understanding of the nature and effects of addiction. They know how to modify the dysfunctional behavior that is an integral part of all addicts. My son now has over a year of sobriety – something I never thought possible. It’s what I asked the people at Cliffside to give him: Just one year and he’d have a shot at living. They gave it to him.
Manny P.
* Today Manny’s son has 2 1/2 years of sobriety.
I thought this was amazing. I hope we can hear more and more stories like this one.
First post!!!
The second is that I think we relate to celebrities. I think that we see them so much and we watch them all the time on TV, movies, etc... I know that from personal experience that I have some shows that I always watch and the actors become friends or like family. I know that I talk about TV actors from shows like Bones, House, Clean House, etc... I say things about them like I would a family member or a friend.
So that is why I made this blog. Because I think that drugs have touch a lot of our lives either from personal experiences or through friends or family. Now through talking about and hearing about who is on drugs or the latest celebrity drug gossip. I hope it will help so we know that we are not alone and hopefully we all learn something. Maybe share a few laughs, tears or something special.